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Voice Recognition

Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Before & After

Before & After

Middle Years Program

Middle Years Program
Prior to MYP With MYP

Classes focused on teacher-directed instruction and students were receivers of information.

Ex. Math students wrote down information presented by the teacher and then followed along as the teacher completed the exercise.

Classes emphasize student engagement in their learning in order for them to explore and discover not only what they are learning, but why they are learning it.

Ex. After material has been modeled by the Math teacher, students work cooperatively on exercises that reflect real-life situations. Instruction is broken down for students to understand concepts in greater depth.

Subject areas often taught in isolation.

Ex: Science students read an article about the environment and answered questions. Art students painted a mural.

The teaching of similar concepts in different classes is designed to connect learning across all subject areas.

Ex: In Science and Art classes, students studied the concept of environmental conservation. They connected their consumption of natural resources to the products that they purchase and their effects on our environment through the creation of a bottle cap mural entitled “Waves of Change.”

Limited student exploration of their work

Ex: In English classes, there was a reflection on only the final draft of writing pieces.

Students reflect on their learning to understand why their learning is important and meaningful.

Ex: Students have a better understand of why they are learning/practicing writing and interpretation skills, and why writing is an important form of communication. There is more opportunity to write for an authentic purpose.

Emphasis only on the “finished product”

Ex: Art students were graded on the result of their art-making only.

Emphasis on both the product AND the process for which learning occurs

Ex: Students are now assessed on their process journal which is a place for them to develop and explore ideas, and reflect on their artwork.

Students completed pen and paper exams to measure their knowledge and understanding.

Ex: Social Studies students took multiple choice tests and wrote essays to recite historical facts memorized.

Assessments offer more choice which enable all students’ social, emotional and academic needs to be met.

Ex: Students are given choices to demonstrate their understanding of historical concepts by creating multimedia presentations, organizing formal debates and role playing.

Narrow study of topic based on the content that is required to be taught.

Ex: World Language students studied grammatical concepts and vocabulary in isolation.

Students develop into creative, critical and reflective thinkers who understand global challenges and their responsibilities as citizens.

Ex: Assessments are differentiated and students are given a choice in the way they demonstrate their understanding of the concepts presented. To better communicate in the target language, grammar and vocabulary are presented in context through the concept being studied.

Students participated in various community service activities

Ex: Students collected money to donate to the local food pantry.

Students are involved in service learning that extends their participation in community-based activities through meaningful planning and reflection.

Ex: Students learned about Soles4Souls in their English and Global Citizens classes. They collected new and gently used shoes to donate to people in need, both in the U.S. and overseas. The donation of these shoes enables the recipients to go to school, work and avoid disease where they live.