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Commack School District

Excellence in Education

Study Skills

Study Skills

Guidance Department Tips for Success

Study Tips
  1. Time to Study: plan a definite time to study each day and then study at that time. Try to keep this time consistent so it becomes routine.
  2. Place to Study: designate a place to study. Make sure there is good lighting, plenty of room, and no distractions (TV, Cell Phone, IPAD).
  3. Materials for Studying: make sure you have what you need…pens and pencils, agenda, and the work you need.
Time Management Tips
  1. Keep a schedule. Make a weekly schedule that is visible in your child’s place of study. It should give you more detailed information for important commitments and dates when things are due. Plan time for homework and other activities. Be careful to NOT overload your child’s schedule with extra- curricular activities that may interfere with homework and study time.
  2. Set priorities. Consider what assignments are most demanding and require the most energy. Do those assignments first.
  3. Do not procrastinate. Have a plan for how to handle any long term assignments and/or tests/quizzes. Make sure to do those in addition to the regular homework. Take bigger assignments and break them down into sections.
Things to Remember
  1. The agenda should be used for writing and monitoring homework assignments daily.
  2. Review notes on a daily basis
  3. Check and organize binders and notebooks on a weekly basis
Please contact your child’s teacher or school counselor with any questions.

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